

are my weakness.

But,today I got #1 on my list of things to do. I rode my bike to Starbucks this morning at 7 and stood there for a couple of hours and READ! It felt great. Breaking Dawn is so good already, and I'm only on page 220 or something. I can't believe that Bella and Edward FINALLY had sex. AND SHE'S PREGNANT?! what the HELL! I can't believe that Edward is desperate enough to tell Jacob to impregnate her! I can't believe that the Warewolf pack is plotting to kill the Cullen's AND BELLA! Talk about drama. (If anyone wants to talk about The Twilight Saga...I would LOVE TO! So let me know.kthx)

Oh, but anyways...Vinny and I went to Astros to get a burg. and they have a jute box inside and you know those little mini jute boxes on each table. So, I was picking songs and I went to get more quarters and while I was waiting I was singing "She Loves you" by The Beatles and this little Mexican man saw me singing it and he said "you like this song? :D" and I said "YEAH!" and he said, "that's good, it means you have a free heart." and he made a little flying motion with is hands.

He made my day.



  1. WHOA! SPOILER ALERT, BITCH! I haven't read it yet. I didn't know Edward dips himself in her love guts.

    (Jk shar I love you)

  2. hahaha DANG! I was gonna make the title say "DON'T READ THIS POST IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IN BREAKING DAWN" but then I didn't...

    DITO! :)
